Let me start with a big “thank you” to GFWC New Mexico members who honored me with the position of GFWC New Mexico President 2022-2024! It was an opportunity for me to learn more about this wonderful organization as I met with 49 other State Presidents to share ideas, gain knowledge, ideas and share solutions. What an amazing group of ladies I have been privileged to know during this time!
There have been some amazing learnings and experiences here in GFWC New Mexico. My terrific Board members and Club Presidents worked hard to strengthen and grow our membership! We had two LEADS candidates during this administration, Debbie Campbell and Lani Bradley. We developed a Leadership Strategy for the State to ensure future emphasis on LEADS and other avenues to strengthen leadership going forward. In 2023, we hosted the South Central Conference in Albuquerque. Sharing the culture of New Mexico with Arizona, Texas, Oklahoma, Louisiana, and Arkansas and our SCR members was a big job-yet rewarding and engaging. The art and culture of our State was enjoyed by all, including our International President!
This President supported all community projects, but placed an emphasis on children for her two year administration. Specifically, I chose Camp Enchantment, which is a free camp for children in this State who are undergoing cancer treatment. Fundraising was done and donated by our generous Clubs and we contributed over $8000.00 to Camp Enchantment in two years. I am forever grateful for GFWC New Mexico members who have enriched my life, demonstrated their amazing generosity and shown us all how to lift the lives of so many!
-Val Redington